Middlesex university is carrying out a trainng/ meeting in London to all partners to work on the following tasks in the project:
D2.1 Create an entrepreneurship strategy inside HE
D2.2 Staff capacity development in entrepreneurship (All Partners- Mid Progress Report in April, so we need all info by beginning of March Financial Issues, staff cost and IMRs upload them to the BSCW
- Training in London, MDX, UCPH, USIGEN, topics that will be covered in the training
- Suggestion for Palestinian partners for the topics as well
D2.3 Develop 4 courses and 4 tutorials in latest trends in STEM - Development procedure
D2.4 Entrepreneurship oriented course design
D2.5 Develop access to finance tool-kit
D2.6 Demo day to present students’ projects to investors, this task will be end of the project.